Healthy Eating and Personal hygiene

contributed by Ms Noelle Agius, class teacher Year 1.3

A well-balanced diet supplies the body with the nutrients required for good health.  Apart from following a nutritious diet, good personal hygiene is another good way to protect oneself from getting sick.  One of our Science lessons was about ‘Healthy Eating and Personal Hygiene’. To help the Year 1 boys understand better the importance of hand washing, we carried out a simple experiment.  We filled a container with water and added some pepper which represented the germs.  By using a drop of soap, the children were able to see how the pepper repelled the soap and moved away, showing how germs are killed by washing our hands with soapy water! Another activity we carried out was related to the importance of brushing our teeth.  The boys got to know the correct way we should brush our teeth, and how important it is to visit the dentist.  During the activity, the children worked in small groups and using a toothbrush and shaving foam (this represented the toothpaste), they had to brush the teeth to clean away the germs!