During the past week, the secondary school launched an initiative through which we are encouraging members of our community to be generous and donate in aid of “Solidarity Meals”.
Solidarity Meals is a project that started during the Covid lockdown, providing cooked food for people who couldn’t cook for themselves. At its peak, a team of 75 volunteers was delivering 850 meals a day all around Malta. Although amounts dropped as the restrictions subsided, the need was still present. To date, the Maltese Parishes, with the help of the Alfred Mizzi Foundation, have supported such persons in our communities since.
The Archbishop’s Seminary is also making its kitchen facilities available for this cause.
During Advent 2022, we are asking secondary school students to bring over any of the following: Baked Beans, Biscuits, Breakfast Cereal, Canned broad beans, Canned Fruit, Canned or Dry Lentils, Canned Milk, Canned Mixed Veg, Canned Mushrooms, Canned Peas, Canned Tomatoes, Cleaning products, Cooking Oil, Corned beef, Coffee, Flour, Fruit Juice, Hand wash, Herbal Tea, Instant Coffee, Jams, Kunserva/Tomato Paste, Luncheon Meat, Passata Pasta – varied, Rice, Couscous, Noodles, Shower gel, Sugar, Tea, Bags, Tinned Fish, Toilet Paper or Yeast.
Collection boxes have been left in common areas.
For more information on how to help “Solidarity Meals”, visit this link: https://djakonija.org/solidarity-meals/